Thursday, November 26, 2009

Comeacrossness: The Transvestite Spartans on a Bike

Hello there! I'm back with another strange anecdote, related with strange people (why do I always find these folks?) at this strange section which is Comeacrossness.

I suppose I'm not very keen on parties or celebrations. I'm just a geek with my computers, my translations, my forums and my other geek stuff. Maybe that's the reason because of I just don't understand what the Hell was going on today at the UJI.

As I knew later, today there was some kind of party arranged by the students of Music Teaching, in which they have played their instruments and sung at the Agora. Nothing strange, up until now.

Just a usual University celebration... Or is it?

Then I saw them. There were three guys wearing what seemed a Spartan home-made costume, with their cardboard helmets, shields and swords, and their red 100% cotton cloaks.

And plastic boobs.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This Is the Last Day of my Life *

Tomorrow will be the last day of my life.

That's it. I can't stand anymore. All my teachers are sons of bitches, they have failed me on all my exams and I don't want to live like this, not anymore.

So tomorrow I'm going to finish with all. I'll get my father's hunting rifle and I'll kill them all. They will get what they deserve. Then I'll kill myself, because I don't wanna spend the rest of my life in prison.

So, that is all. See you in Hell, my beloved readers. Tomorrow you'll see me in the newspapers.

Comeacrossness: The Man who Walked Strangely

Hello again! Last week I couldn't write anything because I had loads of work. But today I'm back with something I promised on my last post.

You may know this famous Monty Python's gag, the Ministry of Silly Walks (if you don't you can watch it on youtube here). Yeah, it's a very funny sketch, but we don't usually think that someone actually walks like that. I didn't think either... since a couple of weeks ago.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Comeacrossness: The Forgotten Shop

Hi everybody!

I come from a small town (well, it's gradually getting bigger, but it is small compared with Castellón), so I find everything in Castellón extraordinarily big and complex. Almost everyday I come across something I hadn't seen before (specially weird people). That's why I've decided to start this new section, titled "Comeacrossness", where I'll explain these weird things that happen to me in the city.
In this first episode of Comeacrossness I want to tell a little anecdote. I was looking for a videogame store in Castellón, so I decided to search in Google Maps. I typed "tiendas de videojuegos Castellón" and took the first result. "Centro Email, Avda Rey Don Jaime 43". I memorized the adress and the next day I went to visit the shop.